We add to our flock in late summer each year to ensure a good supply of eggs through the winter from our youngest layers. These young red hybrid pullets will provide us with a good supply of mid brown eggs laying 6-7 eggs each per week! As you will have noticed, we have added some green or olive egg layers to our flock this year. These were home bred by our neighbour. We keep a wide variety of breeds and we do not cull our birds when they no longer lay so our flock also consists of birds of all ages so you may notice wonky shaped eggs from our older girls and although oddly shaped, they are still delicious. Our girls who no longer lay are allowed to live out their days with us as a thank you for producing lots of lovely eggs. We have a good selection of mixed size, shape and coloured eggs now from our mixed flock.
These girls lay our dark chocolate brown eggs laying on average 3-4 each per week. They are an active French breed who enjoy foraging.
Just like our sheep, we have a mixed flock of chickens consisting of Marans, Black Rock, Legbar, Araucana, Rhode Island Red, Leghorn and Red hybrid hens.
This mix produces a lovely selection of beautiful coloured eggs.
Our hens are corn fed and they are free to roam the garden during the day so their varied diet produces really tasty eggs with golden yolks- no good if you like a pale sponge cake!
Our eggs are available fresh daily from our stall outside the house priced at £1.50 for a box of 6.
These white fluffy headed hens lay 200 beautiful blue eggs each per year. They are a small feisty breed from South America.
The white Leghorns are tall and slim and lay around 280 pure white eggs each per year. They are nervous breed from Italy.
The Black Rock hens lay about 310 rich brown eggs each per year. They are an attractive bird with a lovely nature and very hardy.
These are a large active French breed producing dark brown eggs.
These hens are very attractive hardy breed from France each laying 300 plum brown eggs per year.
This pretty little hen is an endangered breed from Sweden laying between 150-200 beige brown eggs per year.