As smallholders with limited man power and equipment, we do not run our flock commercially and therefore select our sheep on friendliness and ease of handling.
Our flock started when we bottle fed some orphan lambs for our neighbouring farm and couldn't bare to give them back.
Six years later we still have Dolly, Wren, Blossom, Spots, Rainbow and Gigi.
Bottle fed lambs become very attached to their humans and therefore follow a voice or a bucket of food very well. This makes them easy to handle and move without the need for a sheep dog.
When we decided to increase our flock we choose a mix of different breeds with varying fleece colour, shape, size, horns and some rare breeds. These were all picked by us for their friendliness in the pen.
Let us introduce you to some of our flock.
Titch is a home bred ewe born this year. She has a lovely temperament.
This is Teddy she was one of our first purchases to start expanding our small flock of orphan lambs.
She is a Southdown and has short legs and a very woolly fleece.
This is Peggy, she is a WIltshire Horn. She has the ability to shed her own fleece in late spring early summer without the need to shear her. We collect up the small pieces of fleece and put it out for the birds to line their nests.
Polka is another of our home bred ewes born this year to Spots our Dorset Ewe bred with a Charolais ram.
Star is our oldest girl on the holding. She is a Portland. The Portland is a rare breed. They are a small horned breed producing only 1 lamb at a time. When the lambs are born they are orangey brown like a fox. They can also breed all year long. Star is now retired from breeding and enjoying a quiet life with the flock including her daughter Twinkle.
Gigi is one of our friendliest ewes. She is a Leicester cross. She thinks she is a dog and follows us everywhere for a scratch. She has had twins each year and strangely only lets her lambs feed from the back of her udder and not the side-crazy girl!
Matilda is a Herdwick cross. Herdwicks are traditionally a flighty breed who tend not to flock and have a tendancy to be escape artists but not our Matilda, she is one of our prettiest and friendliest sheep, a real favourite.
Daisy is one of our Lleyn ewes. This is a welsh breed. She is now retired from breeding, she has been a super mum always producing good twin lambs and plenty of milk. She is calm and quiet.
Meet Pickle, she is the naughtiest lamb in the flock. She is a Southdown cross from our ewe Teddy. She follows us everywhere, loves to be cuddled and jumps up like a dog.
Flossy is a Zwartble ewe, again these are great mums producing lots of milk. A breed with a black fleece with white markings.